• Question: a if u weren't goin to be a mathmetician instead a scientist then do u prefer maths or science better?

    Asked by aliyah01 on 10 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by ashleigh.
    • Photo: Giuseppe Cotugno

      Giuseppe Cotugno answered on 10 Jan 2020:

      I think I will still prefer science over math, I like to think of math as a tool to use to make my life easier for the same reason as I would prefer to be a writer than a linguist. Although some advanced math techniques are really cool!

    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 14 Jan 2020:

      I don’t think there is really a dividing line between maths and science. Many people switch areas after their first degree (from Chemistry to Statistics, from Geology to Maths, from Maths to Biology) because the labels are just rough guides. A person interested in solving a problem, e.g. how to reduce AIDS, will find there are many possible places to look for answers (statistics, biology, medicine, ecology, sociology, psychology) and that any job will need them to learn a little bit of them. So it is easy to switch from one area to another, but still be working on the same ideas and the same problems.
