• Question: Did you always find maths and computer work interesting when you where at school?

    Asked by cjl2008 on 10 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by amyb, saf17.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 10 Jan 2020:

      Back in school in India, in those days we had GWBASIC, Blue J, and C. The programs we had to write were mostly to create a given pattern, or compute a weird number series, accept details from a person, form database and then based on certain criteria give the names if percentages of subjects meeting the criteria. It was fun. My love for coding and patterns began during those simple times.
      Maths was one of my favourite subjects but not the most favourite one. I enjoyed doing the geometrical proofs, and liked it when a big equation was simplified to 1 or 2 terms or which in the end became 0. My parents used to buy these mental maths books and advanced maths books for me to practice on till GCSE and when doing those I did not feel as if it was tiresome or a part of ‘regular boring study’. So yeah, maybe it was because I did find them interesting. But if you ask me to split a restaurant bill now I’d fumble with the calculations (so there goes all the efforts of my parents and young me in mental math I suppose!).

    • Photo: Diana Kornbrot

      Diana Kornbrot answered on 10 Jan 2020:

      Maths and physics were always interesting to me. When I was act School there were less than 10 computers in the world and they all worked on valves and occupied ground floor or basement of large building as they were too heavy for higher floors. Hard to imagine? Mobile phones didn’t exist either

    • Photo: Andrew Harrison

      Andrew Harrison answered on 11 Jan 2020:

      Maths and computing has always interested me. When I was at school, our school had two computers. I had one at home and was always programming.

      What I like about both maths and computer programming is that it’s about solving a puzzle. Plus there’s always an elegant way to solve the puzzle, although the route to it and the first answer may be very messy.

    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 14 Jan 2020:

      Nope! I thought they were easy and dull, but that maths sometimes was interesting for a bit. It wasn’t until university that I found the bits that interested me.
