• Question: What do the robots you make do?

    Asked by whyhellothere123 to Giuseppe, Mackenzie on 20 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by 19gcoulter, Ontos.
    • Photo: Giuseppe Cotugno

      Giuseppe Cotugno answered on 20 Jan 2020:

      The robot I am working on is a maintenance assistant. Its main job is to detect whether a human maintenance technician needs help and to provide the required help.

      This in practice means that the robot observes with its sensors what is going on and anticipates the help required, asking the technician if the help the robots wants to do is appropriate (the robot can make mistakes when observing).

      Typically the robot grabs and hands over tools back and forth from a table to the technician. It also helps in removing bulky and heavy objects like the cover of a conveyor belt. Removing the cover is the first step as all the mechanism that require maintenance are concealed by a cover.

      This is a humanoid robot developed with the funding of the EU for a project called SecondHands.

      In the past I also worked with other robots but the tasks the robots were doing were more general, like grasping objects in different ways and understand which approach is the best.
